Sign up for my Summer Shipping Package (and finish writing a short book)
Registration is closed. Please contact me if you are interested in 1-to-1 coaching or a full publishing package to help you write – and ship – a short book. I’d love to hear from you. – Debbie
Is writing a book (that sells) one of your goals for 2012? You can publish a short Kindle eBook by early fall if you take action now and commit to doing the work.
Want to reap the business rewards of becoming a published author? I will provide the encouragement, support, structure and accountability you need to complete a short book on a compelling topic.
Dates: June 1 – August 31, 2012
Image: iStockPhoto
Let me help you write a short, kick-ass eBook this summer
Hello up-and-coming business author,
If you are considering writing a short eBook (30 to 100 pages) on a business topic this summer, I can help you refine your book idea, jump over roadblocks, streamline your writing process and move steadily forward. It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed or to procrastinate or to get sidetracked if you’re writing a book, even a short one. Let me work with you as a coach, taskmaster and cheerleader.
Meet Debbie Weil (that’s me), your professional book coach and editor. In addition to being a Web pioneer, online marketing strategist, international speaker and corporate social media consultant, I’ve been writing and editing for decades. First as a journalist, then a published author – and for the past 10 years as a blogging coach. I will help you make your book your personal branding weapon. I will make your book sell.
What’s included in the Summer Shipping Package
My Summer Shipping Package includes the most valuable part of my popular Beta Author Boost program: one-on-one coaching along with professional feedback on your writing. You get:
- Three 1-on-1 intensive coaching sessions with me via video Skype. Schedule one 60-minute session a month in June, July and August to move steadily forward. Note: you do not need to be based in the U.S. I will provide inspiration, support, structure and accountability to keep your writing on track.
- Review and feedback on up to 30 pages of your writing. I’m a kick-ass editor and I’ll zero in on what works – and what doesn’t – and tell you how to improve it. My bonafides? I’ve got decades of experience as a journalist (reporter and editor) and have published a highly-praised book with a top New York publisher, Penguin Portfolio.
What we’ll do together during our coaching sessions
- Review and refine the business goal of your book
- Dig deep to identify what is most compelling about your book idea
- Tie the outline of your book idea back to your business goal
- Bake the “marketing” of your book into the manuscript
- Build a customized arsenal of concrete steps and tactics to help you finish writing your first draft
- Defeat overwhelm and procrastination with specific strategies, if that’s what’s holding you back
- Schedule non-negotiable writing blocks into your calendar
- Set deadlines and stick to them
- I’ll review up to 30 pages of your draft and offer specific feedback on how to improve it
- I will match you up with an editor to finalize your manuscript so it’s ready for publication
- I will help you choose a killer title
- I will point you to the e-publishing resources you need for cover design and Kindle formatting
The total value of what you get with my Summer Shipping Package is worth $3,500 or more.
What clients say about my book coaching and feedback
“I can’t tell you how much your comments help me make huge breakthroughs! Love your new title suggestion!”
“I found the individual coaching incredibly helpful: Debbie is a perceptive listener and editor who is able to hone in on where you are (or are not) in your writing process and expertly guide you to the next level.”
“Thanks, Debbie – that’s terrific feedback! I’ll get busy on the changes right away, and I’ll keep you posted on progress. Can’t wait to be published!”
Beta Author success stories
In case you’re wondering, a handful of Beta Authors are in the process of publishing their eBooks. Sue Johnston is one of the first Beta Authors I worked with. She has just published Talk to Me: Workplace Conversations That Work, a fast-moving business novella about emotionally effective workplace communication. It’s a great read: provocative as well as highly useful. Sue had this to say about the Beta Author program:
“The most beneficial aspect has been Debbie’s feedback, original ideas and encouragement for my specific project. And she’s made it fun. By providing me with the right mix of challenge and support, Beta Author Boost helped me reach the point where I can proudly publish. How cool is that?”
– Sue Johnston, author of Talk to Me: Workplace Conversations That Work
Visualize the sales page for your eBook
Now visualize the sales page for your eBook! If you finish writing this summer and build in a few more weeks for cover design and formatting of your manuscript for Kindle, your eBook can be live on Amazon by early October. Early fall is the perfect time to launch and sell a new product. Before the holidays and after the slow summer months.
Shipping means completing the manuscript of your short book
By shipping (thanks Seth), I mean finishing your draft, getting it professionally edited and choosing a killer title. This is the real work. It’s harder than the logistics of uploading an eBook file to sell it on Amazon Kindle. But you can do it! And I will help you.
There are pockets of time you can use during the quieter summer months. I’ll help you find them and put them to maximum use so you can complete a draft of your manuscript that is ready to hand over to an editor.
Why a short book? Hint: easier to write… and read
Nobody can tell how long your eBook is when they look at the thumbnail cover on Amazon. Nor do they care. A sizzling title, an eye-catching cover, a compelling topic and the quality of the writing are what matter. These are what establish your credibility as an author and lead to fanatic readers, book sales and increased revenues in your business, whether you are a consultant, creative entrepreneur or corporate executive.
Why an eBook for Amazon Kindle?
Amazon Kindle eBooks can be read on almost any device from smartphones to iPads. Publishing with Amazon first is the quickest and most professional way to launch your book. You can always distribute and sell it later via the other platforms (iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc.).
Reap the rewards of becoming a published author
No matter how short your eBook is, it establishes you as a published author. And the rewards? You will be able to:
- increase your speaking fees
- increase your consulting fees
- attract more clients
- increase revenues
- cross writing a book off your bucket list (I bet it’s on there if you’ve read this far)
The value of this package is $3,500 or more. Sign up now to get it for $997.
Sorry to disappoint. Registration for this summer package is now closed.
You get three intensive 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me. Plus professional feedback on your writing with specific direction on how to improve it. Then I will match you up with the right editor for the final copyediting and proofreading of your manuscript. I will support, guide and cheerlead you every step of the way as you complete a draft of your short, nonfiction eBook.
Note: you do not need to be based in the U.S. I can accommodate almost any time zone to schedule your Skype coaching sessions. We will use Google docs to share the draft of your book.
Click on the green button to sign up. Registration closes on Monday June 4th at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern. After you register, you’ll get an email with directions on how to schedule your first coaching session.
As noted above, the total value of the package in terms of expertise and one-on-one attention from me is worth $3,500 or more.
Sorry, no coaching spots left
Five aspiring authors have signed up. That is the total number of coaching clients I can accommodate this summer as I’m also working on new programs and products for Voxie Media. .
Who the Summer Shipping Package is designed for
This is a coaching program for experienced writers. You have existing content you can work with. Perhaps you’ve been blogging for a while on a business topic and would like to create a compilation of your blog posts. Or you’ve written articles for other publications and could use those as a starting point. Most important, you are passionately committed to becoming a published author and will do the work.
I hope you will take advantage of this book coaching offer as you look ahead to the fall, the perfect time to launch a new book and establish yourself as a published author. I’d love to work with you.
With warm regards and to your eBook publishing success in 2012,
Debbie Weil
Founder and CEO, Voxie Media: Big Ideas, Short Books TM
email: debbie[at]voxiemedia[dot]com
phone: 202-255-1467
twitter: @debbieweil
websites: and
book: Amazon Kindle edition
P.S. Registration closes on Monday June 4th at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern. After that I won’t be accepting any new book coaching clients until the fall.
What Beta Authors are saying
I found the individual coaching incredibly helpful: Debbie is a perceptive listener and editor who is able to hone in on where you are (or are not) in your writing process and expertly guide you to the next level. She provided a rich and deep resource of practical information that I was able to put to immediate use, drawing on her own experience as a published author, and including the guest experts as well as articles, books and other very current sources of information.
– Cheryl Dolan,
I never really thought of myself as book author until I signed up for Beta Author Boost. Debbie convinced me otherwise. Her editing, coaching, and invaluable resources were a huge help in navigating the previously unfamiliar world of e-publishing. Now that I know how to do it, I can’t wait to write my *second* book!
– Bill Sheridan,
Mark, at left, Skyping with me from Sydney, Australia. His book, One Bite at a Time, is coming soon.
What technology doesn’t provide is the wisdom or critical thinking that takes “a good (book) idea” to completion. And that’s where Debbie Weil entered my life and my business. She just “gets it.” A successful business owner and author in her own right, Debbie provided insight, guidance, assistance, and direction in just the right way when and where it was needed. I can’t recommend Debbie or her program highly enough.
– Mark Wayland,
Debbie helped me narrow in on the compelling core for my ebook in no time – invaluable! I also found the resources and rhythm very supportive in transforming my ideas into a real book. Thank you Debbie!
– Jeanne Rossomme,
I met Debbie online in 2004 when she was leading the charge to convince corporations they needed to start blogging. She was a pioneer in the corporate blogging space, and now she’s pioneering in an even larger and I believe far more important space, the business eBook. I had any number of book ideas floating around in my head, notebooks and electronic files. I was going to get around to it someday. Debbie threw down the challenge to make someday today, and provided the support and guidance to give us all traction.
– Don Dunnington,
I had decided to either publish or abandon the book that had been lingering on my Half Done list for years when Debbie Weil’s email arrived inviting me to join her Beta Author Boost program. She promised to guide us through the writing process – but I was already a writer. Couldn’t I do this alone? Maybe not. I’d read Debbie’s newsletters and The Corporate Blogging Book, I knew she knew her stuff. And her hype-free promotion told me there would be no fluff. For me, the most beneficial aspect of the program has been Debbie’s feedback, original ideas and encouragement for my specific project. And she’s made it fun. By providing me with the right mix of challenge and support, Beta Author Boost helped me reach the point where I can proudly publish. How cool is that?
– Sue Johnston, author of Talk To Me: Workplace Conversations That Work (published May 2012)
Refund Policy
I am committed to making your experience with Voxie Media the best one possible. If you are not entirely satisfied, I offer a 100% money-back guarantee for the first 30 days, up until July 4, 2012. All you have to do is ask and I will refund your money. Your refund will be issued to your credit card within one week.