Help! I need an eBook cover designer
This is a cry I’m hearing more and more these days. We are building a stable of top-quality eBook cover designers that we can refer Beta Authors to. Or use ourselves for upcoming Voxie Media titles. [See the cover of Robert Phelan’s THE COST OF IGNORANCE published by Voxie Media.]
Below are a handful of book cover designers we feel comfortable recommending. If you know of others who do great design for a reasonable price, please add them in the comments.
We have not worked with all of these designers but we think their cover designs are eye-catching and particularly effective at conveying the author’s brand. Note that this is a list of designers whose book cover styles are more appropriate for nonfiction/business books than romance and thriller titles.
Caveat: rates for cover design vary widely. You can expect to pay from several hundred dollars up to several thousand for an eBook and corresponding print cover by an experienced designer.
BookBaby offers basic eBook cover design for $149 and deluxe design for $279. We have not used them and can’t vouch for the quality.
Book designer Joel Friedlander runs a monthly contest for best eBook covers. You can see all the past winners here.
eBook cover designers
- Melanie Shellito, principal of branding and design shop
- 1106 Design (designed eBook cover for updated Kindle edition of The Corporate Blogging Book)
- UnoZip (the talented Alex Miles Younger who worked with Seth Godin’s The Domino Project)
- Holly Thomson (designed cover of APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch)
- Julie Metz (recommended by Joel Friedlander)
- Tim Kordick Graphic Design (designed cover of Scott Berkun’s latest book, Mindfire: Big Ideas for Curious Minds)
- Mark Macdonald (recommended by Lewis Howes)
- David Janik (recommended by Greg Miller)
- (Martin Whitmore)
- Design For Writers (Andrew Brown profiled here)
- Extended Imagery (designs eBook covers for best-selling thriller author Joe Konrath)
- Jeroen Ten Berge (recommended by 52Novels)
- Stewart Williams Design (recommended by 52Novels)
- Peter Ratcliffe Design (recommended by 52Novels)
- Cerebral Covers by Brian Dupont
- (haven’t worked with this group but they are recommended by Smashwords)
Want help with eBook cover design?
Are you interested in learning more about writing and publishing a short eBook? My popular Beta Author program covers best practices in cover design as well as how to choose a killer title, how to price your eBook to sell and more.
Comprehensive blog post: eBook Cover Design and Optimum Size Specs for Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.
You can peruse a slew of articles about book cover design by Joel Friedlander of
List of service providers for eBook publishing courtesy of Elizabeth Spann Craig (via book doctor Jason Black)
Note: We are not including DIY (do-it-yourself) cover design options.

- WillowRaven
Rob @ 52 Novels
- Debbie Weil
Rob @ 52 Novels
- Mary C. Findley
- mitzi mize
- marcial-arts
Mirti Venyon Reiyas
Greg Grigoriou
Jennifer FitzGerald
John Amy
- Derek Murphy
Steve Deger
Patrick Sipperly
Nike Novillo
Arnold Pismarovic
- Shear Art
Brandi Doane
James Grandy
Shear Art
eBC Designs
Allison King