Why “Too Busy” Is the Wrong Excuse For Not Writing a Book

“I’m too busy right now.” The voices reverberate in your brain. “If I could just find more mental space.” “If I could find more blocks of free time.” “Then… I’d be able to write my book.” You can visualize it. A smooth empty highway stretches out in front of you. You sit down to write. Applying fingers to the keyboard, you race […]
Q. & A. With Business Author Scott Berkun on His Unsettling New Memoir

Scott Berkun is one of my favorite business authors. He’s honest, insightful and – the ultimate yardstick – a beautiful writer. He has written on the topics of leadership, creativity and public speaking. Now he has published his first memoir, The Ghost of My Father, a revealing exploration of his difficult and painful relationship with his father. I’ve just started […]
What business authors can steal from NaNoWriMo

Repeat after me: NaNoWriMo. Don’t you love the acronym for National Novel Writing Month? It kicks off annually on Nov. 1st. Last year over 170,000 people from around the world took part. They wrote over 3 billion words in 30 days. Beyond the catchy name, this crazy sprint to write the draft of a novel in one month has lots […]
When it comes to writing a book, are you a Maximizer or a Satisficer?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I make decisions. I like to consider every option. I use multiple variables to triangulate. I want to make the best, most perfect decision. The excellent choice. In fact, I proudly used the word triangulate in explaining to my husband why it was taking me weeks to purchase a plane ticket for our Gap […]
What you can write in 15 minutes a day

Writing a (short) book may be on your bucket list. But we’re deep into August in the U.S., peak time for summer vacation. If you’re not splayed out on your hammock or a beach chair, you’re probably chomping to leave work early. Why not ignore your BIG WRITING PROJECT for the rest of the summer because you just don’t have […]
Tapping into the hunger for change at World Domination Summit 2013

Founder Chris Guillebeau calls it a carefully curated fest of “community, adventure and service.” I say the World Domination Summit is the most fun I’ve ever had at a conference. That’s why we’re going back to Portland, OR in July 2014. If the 3,000 attendees have a common denominator, it’s that they are in thrall to the idea that you can live […]
10 years of blogging: the value of drip, drip, drip content

As of June 2013 I’ve been blogging for a decade. A cause for celebration? Perhaps. Maybe a pause for reflection is enough. First, I want to thank my readers and offer you a small gift for hanging in there with me: The Corporate Blogging Book [Updated Edition] will be $0.00 on Amazon Kindle from June 7 – 10, 2013 to celebrate. NOTE: […]
Why it’s OK to take a Gap Year After Sixty

Whoa… my husband Sam and I are starting our Gap Year today, 40 years after we were supposed to take time out before starting real life. Wait, we’ve had a real life. This is a little meta. Don’t worry; Voxie Media will continue full speed ahead as a location-independent enterprise. A gap year, as you may know, is an intentional “time out” […]