[VID] Knock Down 3 Stumbling Blocks Preventing You From Writing a (Short) Book
Watch the replay below of my webinar on the topic of writing a short book. A few nuggets from the presentation:
– Develop a daily writing practice
– Channel Hemingway (stop at a place where it’s easy to start the next day)
– Revel in sh*tty first drafts (means you’re doing it right; thank you Anne Lamott)
– Think about your reader when you choose your topic and title
– Bake the marketing into your book (thanks to Tim Grahl for this great phrase)
Click here to watch if the video doesn’t appear.
Seeking a few more smart and hungry minds who want to write a short book
Towards the end of the webinar, I talk about the next session of Beta Author Boost (it launches March 7th so there is still time to join).
Beta Author Boost is a small group of passionately-committed authors who work one-on-one with me to complete the draft of a short business book in 8 weeks.
My 1-on-1 coaching helps you find and organize your best book idea. My high-level feedback on your writing gives you encouragement, a critique and suggestions for ways to improve your draft.
You also get support and feedback from the other Beta Authors.
Build unstoppable momentum and finish your first draft
You get access to 4 modules of content that give you tips, tools and action steps to build unstoppable momentum with your writing. You can listen to a dozen interviews with well-known guest experts on topics related to writing, editing, design and publishing eBooks. And more. Deets here.
We work hard but we also have fun.
Beta Author Boost: March 7, 2013 – May 2, 2013. Read about Beta Authors who have finished and published their books. Learn more and register for the March 2013 session here. There are a handful of spaces left as of this writing. I won’t offer the program again until fall 2013.
Above, Sue Johnston, author of Talk to Me: Workplace Conversations That Work (completed as a Beta Author)