Don’t write your eBook alone. Professionals don’t, so why should you?

Writing a book or eBook completely by yourself is lonely and difficult. Professional authors don’t do it that way, so why should you? You need a team to write, edit, design and publish an eBook, just as you need a team to launch a new product. That’s why I decided to offer my Summer Shipping Package again. As of this […]
Announcing Look, Lead, Love and Learn by Bill Sheridan

Beta Author Bill Sheridan‘s new eBook, Look, Lead, Love, Learn, was published this week by Voxie Media. It’s $0.00 today and I encourage you to download it and take a look at what a short, polished eBook on a business topic looks like. Bill Sheridan is chief communications officer and a veteran blogger for the Maryland Association of CPAs award-winning blog, […]
Unexpected writing lessons from ziplining in the Mexican jungle

The good thing about a great vacation is that you put everything aside and don’t think about much of anything. The bad thing about a great vacation is that it takes a while to find what you put aside. In my case, it’s back to finding sizzling prose for my short eBook – in progress – on the topic of […]
Guy Kawasaki procrastinates like the rest of us

Asked what his writing ritual is during a recent webinar, Guy Kawasaki laughed and said: “Do as I say, not as I do.” What he tells us to do in APE | Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, his new bestseller with co-author Shawn Welch, is to write every day. As he describes it in the chapter on How to Write Your Book: […]
Writerly tips from an exclusive interview with blogger and author Jeff Goins

Author and blogger Jeff Goins graciously agreed to be one of the expert guests I interview for those enrolled in my Beta Author program. Our 55-minute conversation was so provocative that I want to share some of the highlights with you. Listen to the audio or download the PDF transcript Click here to download or listen to the MP3 file. […]
Charlie Gilkey reveals the secret of writing his new book: The Small Business Life Cycle

Charlie Gilkey of Productive Flourishing fame has just published his first book, The Small Business Life Cycle: A Guide for Taking the Right Steps at the Right Time to Grow Your Small Business. It’s an Amazon Kindle eBook and will also be available in the next two weeks as a softcover. Charlie joined me for a Q & A to […]
Seth Godin asked me to co-author his next book

I was sitting at my desk this morning, head down, minding my own business, not procrastinating, being productive, working on my new book… and Seth calls. Now this is not as nutty as it sounds. I’ve known Seth for years. I’m an unabashed member of the Seth tribe. I consider him an unofficial mentor. He inspires and provokes me, always. […]
Book Lust: How to Write a Short Nonfiction Book in 8 Weeks

Following is a draft of the introduction for the book I am working on. Book Lust is the new placeholder title. I’d love feedback on the title and the book concept. If you are like most Americans – or anyone anywhere, for that matter – you have dreamt about writing a book. It’s on your bucket list for one reason […]